When Harry Potter Celebrates Racial Harmony Day...
The launch of Harry Potter's final book - The Deathly Hallows coincides with Racial Harmony! With these two exciting events coming up, we decided to find out what it will be like when Harry Potter celebrates Racial Harmony with Singapore?
We carried out the 'Design-a-costume' competition where students design ethnic clothes for Harry Potter and his two friends, Ron Weasley and Hermoine Granger.
Other than that, the question most fans have been thinking of.. 'Will Harry Potter die in the end?"
With this, we carried out a poll where our students casted their votes.
What's your choice?
Looking at the decorations in the library, can you feel the magic in the air? ****
We carried out the 'Design-a-costume' competition where students design ethnic clothes for Harry Potter and his two friends, Ron Weasley and Hermoine Granger.
Other than that, the question most fans have been thinking of.. 'Will Harry Potter die in the end?"
With this, we carried out a poll where our students casted their votes.
What's your choice?
Looking at the decorations in the library, can you feel the magic in the air? ****